Block Signalling SAS2-IR DC Shuttle with Infra-Red Detectors

The BLOCKsignalling SAS2-IR is designed to automate a DC model train running backwards and forwards along a single length of track.

At each end of the track, an Infra-Red sensor is fixed below the track to detect the train which stops when the module switches off the track power.

The train waits until the track current is switched back on in reverse and the train then automatically starts travelling in the reverse direction.

This action is repeated at each end of the line.

  • Automatically operates a train backwards and forwards along a single line.
  • Detects trains reaching the end of the line using Infra-red sensors (no track cutting required).
  • Waiting time at either end is adjustable or can be set to random.
  • Optional Route Indication leds can be connected to show train waiting at either end, or in transit up or down the line.
  • Optional 2-aspect signals can be connected, and will switch to green three seconds before train departs, and back to red two seconds later.
  • Requires a 12V DC Power Supply
