Block Signalling LCS4-CA Level Crossing with Sound

The BLOCKsignalling LCS4-CA Level Crossing Module provides a realistic simulation of a full sized level crossing, operating the lights and sounder once triggered.  An infra-red sensor is included which will trigger the module when infra-red light is reflected from the underside of a train passing above the sensor.

  • Uses an infra-red sensor to detect a train passing (can also be triggered by reed relay, push -button, switch, or simply supplying power to the module)
  • Automatically operates lights and sounder when triggered
  • Module reproduces a preselected sound clip from 18 possible choices (gongs, sounders, bells, Yodalarm, etc)
  • At the same time, the conventional light sequence of a single yellow light, followed by alternating red flashing lights commences
  • The module is fully programmable to adjust the flash rate, duration of the sequence, and so on
  • Requires a 12V DC Power Supply
